The resources listed below help our clients understand the programs and services offered by Youville Centre, as well as their rights and responsibilities as a student of the Centre.
If you need support and/or immediate assistance when Youville Centre is closed:
- YSB Crisis Line (under 18 yrs); 24 hours – 613-260-2360
- Distress Centre (over 18 yrs); 24 hours – 613-238-3311
- Women’s Help Line; 24 hours – 613-745-4818
- Mental Health Crisis Line; 24 hours – 613-722-6914
- Crisis Text Line; 24 hours – Text HOME to 686868
- Talk4Healing (Indigenous specific); 24 hours Talk or Text – 1-855-554-HEAL
Children and Young Persons’ Rights Resource
The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services has recently released a new online Children and Young Persons’ Rights Resource (Rights Resource) (www.ontario.ca/RightsResource).
It is important that children and young persons are empowered to exercise and receive the benefit of their rights, to advocate for their own needs, and to change the way they experience services, especially when they feel their rights have not been respected.
The Rights Resource is a website designed to support children and young persons’ receiving services under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA). The website outlines the rights provisions under Part II and Part X of the CYFSA using child-friendly language, acting as an accessible resource that children and young persons can turn to when they want to understand their rights. It also acts as a resource to help parents, caregivers and service providers to better understand the rights of children and young persons.