Youville Celebrates Summer

Pony - Ch.139Fire truck - J driving

Each year as summer school comes to a close, we hold a BBQ Fun Day and Showcase for our summer school students and their children.

Work from the two summer courses, Visual Art and Dramatic Arts is displayed and showcased prior to heading outside for a BBQ and some fun outdoor activities. This is a wonderful opportunity for our summer school students to celebrate their achievements, and to enjoy a special event with their children.

The BBQ Fun Day included children’s games, pony rides, a visit from local firemen and their truck, a fun photo booth, and a delicious buffet of burgers, salads, watermelon, ice cream cones and refreshing beverages.

Youville Centre volunteers as well as volunteers from MBNA and TELUS helped us to make this day special for our young moms and their children.

We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations whose donations helped to make our Summer BBQ Fun Day such a success:
Papa Jack Popcorn
MBNA, A Division of the Toronto-Dominion Bank
PEPSI Beverages Canada
Whole Foods Market Lansdowne
TELUS Ottawa Community Ambassadors
Ottawa Police Service
Ottawa Fire Services
The Smith Family
• Youville Centre Volunteers and Board Members

Please enjoy these photos from the event!

Visual Arts students displayed their paintings, drawings, and sculptures:



Dramatic Arts students put on a series of short plays for their children:

Drama Actors092072

Youville’s infants and toddlers enjoyed outdoor games, water play, and pony rides:

Pony Rides - 1Water PlayPony - M & N

Local Fire Station #13D visited with their truck and were a big hit with our toddlers:

Fire truck - ChFiremen and Clients - 2Fire truck - A.

Youville Centre volunteers and guest volunteers from MBNA and TELUS joined in the fun and helped make this event a huge success:

td-mbna bbq volunteersTELUS volunteersVolunteers- Ria and Ashley

And everyone enjoyed a delicious summer BBQ meal with burgers, fresh salads, cool drinks and of course, ice cream:


Summer School Celebration and Barbeque

On Thursday, July 24th, as a final wrap-up and celebration of summer school, we hosted a barbeque for our young moms and their children. Our valued donors at TELUS provided funding to cover food costs, secured a barbeque for the day, and provided volunteer assistance! This particular group, known as the TELUS Community Ambassadors, meet regularly to dream up ways of helping their community, and they are entirely volunteer-driven.

chefsTELUS Community Ambassadors with Chef Katie Brown-Ardington of Bectka.

TELUS donationTELUS Community Ambassadors gave their time and donations to help us make this barbeque a reality. Here they are presenting the cheque to Executive Director Cindy Simpson and Youville Centre clients Nikki and Brianna and their children Sophia and Avva.

The day began with a special show and tell for staff and volunteers from both of our summer school classes. The Hairstyling & Esthetics class opened up the “Youville Salon & Spa” for the morning, providing manicures, hairstyles, makeup tips and even paraffin wax treatments to students, staff, and volunteers.

Nails-closeupNails - StaffYouville’s Mental Health and Addictions Counsellor, Jenny, receives a well-deserved manicure from summer school student Kristin.

Volunteer ParaffinAfter sorting, washing and organizing the clothing that is donated to the centre, dedicated volunteer Ria deserves a special treat – here she is receiving a paraffin wax spa treatment on her hands.

Volunteers and StaffStaff members Leslie and Mollie, and volunteer Jane also enjoyed receiving manicures from the students.

The Drama class displayed their handmade sock puppets and showed videos of their activities in the course. The sock puppets were made as part of the “sock puppet theatre” unit of the course, where students wrote their own scripts, developed characters, designed and built sock puppets and mini film sets,  and then performed the plays and filmed them using iMovie. The result was a variety of short plays featuring the very creative sock puppets, and comedic and dramatic storylines. The students thoroughly enjoyed incorporating technology into this project.

Sock Puppet VideoA screen capture of sock puppet theatre.

sock puppets

VideoThe videos played also featured a special Lion King musical performance with costumes and choreography that the drama students put on for their children earlier in the month. The course also included Shakespeare, improv and monologues. It was a unique opportunity for our students to build their confidence and express themselves creatively.

After the morning activites, the barbeque portion of the day began. The TELUS Community Ambassadors worked with Youville’s Chefs Kathy and Deb, and special guest Chef Katie Brown-Ardington from Bectka to provide chicken, veggie and beef burgers with all the fixings for our moms and their children.

chefs-2Youville Centre’s resident Chef, Kathy, with Chef Katie Brown-Ardington of Beckta, and two of the TELUS Community Ambassadors.

bigburgerMason, a toddler in our Daisy program, thoroughly enjoyed his burger!

Beverages were generously provided by our new friends at PEPSI Canada, and of course, we had ice cream on hand as a special treat, served by Sarah Arden, Community Investment Manager at TELUS!

ice cream server

icecreamChild development staff set up a host of fun outdoor games for moms and babies to enjoy, including: face painting, slip ‘n slide, and a bubble machine.



highchairEveryone enjoyed this festive event on such a  beautiful, sunny day. Our friends from the Ottawa Police Service even dropped by to let our toddlers see the police car and its flashing lights!

policeDue to the generosity of a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, we were also able to book a very special guest for this year’s party — a pony! “Daybreak” traveled from Sundance Ranch and he brought his little friend the goat with him! These two special guests were a big hit with the moms and babies! Special thanks to Sundance and his family for making this possible.





Summer School: Hairstyling & Esthetics Course

Summer school at Youville Centre is a wonderful chance for young moms to continue learning and to earn one credit during the month of July. This year students could take one of two courses offered: Hairstyling & Esthetics or Dramatic Arts. Both classes not only offer the opportunity to earn a credit, but also the chance for students to express themselves and gain empowerment through skill building and creative expression.


The Hairstyling & Esthetics Course is taught by teacher Fay Campbell on-site at St. Nick’s Adult High School, thanks to our partnership with the Ottawa Catholic School Board.  Students learn hairstyling, makeup application, spa services, client service and time management, among other life skills.


Hairstyling-2We were very fortunate this year to receive a donation to assist us with the costs of the makeup for this course. Our valued friends at Bayshore Shopping Centre (Ivanhoe Cambridge) very generously offered us a gift card so that we could purchase cosmetics at the Hudson’s Bay MAC counter. We were delighted to receive this gift towards purchasing such high-quality product, particularly because MAC carries makeup for all ethnicities. Not only do we have a culturally diverse student body, but this will also help students learn to apply makeup for all cultures and skin tones.

Makeup-1In addition, we were visited by two freelance makeup artists, Emily Wood and Lauren McCarter, who expertly instructed our students in makeup artistry. Fay, the teacher of the course, and one of our Student Support Workers, Christine, were the models for this lesson who received “makeovers”, which was fun for our students to watch and enjoy.

We would like to thank Bayshore Shopping Centre (Ivanhoe Cambridge), The Ottawa Catholic School Board, and Emily Wood and Lauren McCarter for helping to make this course an exceptional experience for our young moms.


BBQ Fun Day a Treat for Moms and Children

To celebrate the success of our summer school students, we decided to host a BBQ Fun Day for our young moms and their children.

The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa helped to make this BBQ possible, and members of the club  were on-site to lend a helping hand.

Our BBQ Chef for the day was none other than Dave Smith himself who really helped us to provide an ample amount of delicious food for our moms and children. Everyone enjoyed the food, the sunshine and the time to visit with staff, volunteers, and fellow moms and children.

Activities were planned for the children to enjoy, including a visit from a City of Ottawa fire truck and three friendly firefighters. Our toddlers especially loved to see the big red firetruck!

Other children played in the sprinkler, enjoyed toys and sensory activities, relaxed in the shade and played with our new bubble machine.

It was a day for our students to be kids again, to relax and enjoy themselves, and to have a day of summer fun.

Special thanks to the following people and organizations for making this all possible:

  • The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa
  • Dave Smith
  • Mike Lundy
  • The City of Ottawa Fire Department
  • Youville Centre Staff and Volunteers

Young Moms Show Creativity at Summer School

Summer is here and Youville Centre students are just wrapping up their final summer school assignments. This summer our young moms worked toward a credit in either Visual Arts or Hairstyling & Esthetics. Brand new to our summer school programming, the Hairstyling & Esthetics Course was run through the Ottawa Catholic School Board’s Continuing Education Department and taught by Fay Campbell, Continuing Education Teacher who also teaches at Algonquin College.

Fay teaches students how to properly cut hair

Delivered part-time at Youville Centre and part-time at St. Nicholas Adult High School, where there is a full salon setup on-site, this class allowed our young moms the opportunity to develop skills and techniques such as:

  • manicures and pedicures
  • haircuts (in particular “the bob”)
  • paraffin wax treatments for hands
  • shampooing and hair styling
  • curling hair with rollers and hair straightening
  • makeup application with different colour palettes
  • client service and professionalism
  • proper hygiene
  • respecting  others

The culminating task in this course was a “Spa Day” where students had the chance to practice their newly learned skills by giving hand massages and manicures to staff, volunteers and guests. Staff and volunteers also benefitted from hairstyling and paraffin wax treatments.

A guest from MAC Cosmetics demonstrates proper makeup application

Hand massages and paraffin wax treatments were a welcome treat for hardworking staff and volunteers

In our Visual Arts course, students learned the following:

  • sketching
  • painting: acrylics, watercolours
  • portraiture
  • sculpture
  • photography (including working in a darkroom)
  • mixed media
  • colour theory
  • perspective
  • Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arranging)
  • Japanese ink painting
  • a collaborative mural project

The class also took a field trip to the National Gallery of Canada and enjoyed learning from guest instructors. The culmination of this course resulted in an art show where our young moms proudly displayed their work for volunteers, staff and special guests to enjoy.

Youville Centre would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their support of our Summer School program:

  • The Knights of Pythias, Aurora Lodge #53
  • City of Ottawa Lemieux Island Water Purification Plant Employees
  • Angela Lariviere, who visits each year to teach our young moms how to draw a portrait of their baby
  • Tim Desclouds, Art Teacher at Cantebury High School who provided instruction on watercolour painting
  • David Wilson, Photographer and student at the School of Photographic Arts — Ottawa
  • MAC Cosmetics
  • Rebecca, who provided instruction on Ikebana and Japanese ink painting
  • Fourth Avenue Baptist Church
  • Ottawa Catholic School Board — Continuing Education Department

Summer School Teachers

Summer Success at Youville Centre

Everyone is familiar with the phrase, “school’s out for summer”, but here at Youville Centre our young moms soldier on through the month of July to earn one more Ontario Secondary School credit and enjoy a few fun, memorable experiences.

Each July, our students have the opportunity to earn a credit in one of two courses, this year’s subjects being Visual Art or Phys. Ed. Summer school is a great opportunity for some of our students to catch up, and for others to get ahead moving into the new school year in September.

The artwork that our young moms created this year was visually stunning and emotionally powerful — especially the portraits of their children. In addition to Art History and studio work, our students were also fortunate enough to visit the National Gallery of Canada.

We’d like to thank our Art Teacher, Sarah, as well as everyone who contributed their time, supplies and services to help make our Art program a success:

Phys. Ed. was a very busy program, with our students participating in everything from aquafitness to zumba, yoga and health studies, dragonboating and swimming, and other fitness-related activities. One highlight of the Phys. Ed. program was a day trip to a local splash pad where our young moms enjoyed a swim with their little ones!

Many thanks to our Phys. Ed. Teacher, Laura, and to everyone who made this program possible:

If you’d like to donate to next year’s summer school program, please contact us at communications[at]youvillecentre[dot]org.

Youville Art Gallery

Our recent Youville Art Gallery Event showcased the talents of the students who chose to study Art in the summer school program.

All of the art was quite original and well-crafted and some of the most striking pieces were the sketches of the children here at Youville Centre. Congratulations to all of the art students! May you continue to use your creative talents in the future.