On Tuesday, October 21, 2014, Youville Centre joined together once again with Marlene Shepherd and Shepherd’s Fashions for a fabulous Fashion FUNRaiser. A smaller, more intimate version of the Ooh ‘n Ahh Fashion Show, this event was held inside Shepherd’s Train Yards store.
Raising over $25,000 with significant contributions from Scotiabank and Shepherd’s, this event was a great success, thanks in large part to the many sponsors and donors who contributed. (Please see a list below of the sponsors and donors who helped to make this event possible.)
This year we decided to honour nine women who have made a significant impact on Youville Centre, whether it be through their work, volunteerism, donations or philanthropic initiatives. As a fun way to recognize their contributions to Youville Centre, we asked these nine women to be the models in the fashion show!
Please enjoy this gallery of our very special models from this wonderful event.
All Photos by Lil’ Moments Photography (Kim Grenier)
Shannon Gorman, National Director, Community Affairs, TELUS
Angela Lariviere, Director, Youville Centre Board of Directors
MC Leanne Cusack with Youville Centre’s Executive Director, Cindy Simpson
Clarissa Arthur, Youville Centre Alumna and Child Development Program Coordinator
Olive MIrchandani, Friend and Supporter of Youville Centre
Theresa Smith, Executive Assistant to the Vice President, Scotiabank, Ottawa & West Quebec District
Cindy Simpson
(L to R): Leanne Cusack, Clarissa Arthur, Cindy Simpson, Megan Wallace, Jenny Strange
Megan Wallace, President, Youville Centre Board of Directors
Clarissa Arthur
Dorothy Jackson, Friend and Supporter of Youville Centre
Jenny Strange, Clinical Supervisor, Mental Health & Addictions Counsellor, Youville Centre
Our gratitude goes out to the following individuals, businesses and organizations for their contributions to this event!
Key Sponsors
Shepherd’s Fashions
The Danbe Foundation
Special Guests
MC: Leanne Cusack
Auctioneer: Lawrence Greenspon
Model Escort: Dennis Jackson
Shepherd’s Models: Paula, Wendy and Elaine
Group Therapy –A Capella Singing Group
Event Sponsors
Barefoot Wine & Bubbly
The Loft/Le Spa
The Ottawa Citizen
Live Auction Sponsors
Shepherd’s Fashions
The Loft/Le Spa
Dr. Conrad L’Ecuyer
The Lord Elgin Hotel
Beckta Dining and Wine
C’est Bon Cooking
Silent Auction Sponsors
Daphne Sillanpaa
Jenny Strange
Cadillac Fairview (Rideau Centre and St. Laurent Centre)
Youville Centre Special
Shannon Gorman
Theresa Smith
Angela Lariviere
Megan Wallace
Dorothy Jackson
Olive Mirchandani
Cindy Simpson
Clarissa Arthur
Jenny Strange
Jean-Marie Stewart
Micheline Harvey
Kathleen Kenny
Monica Kerwin
Gail Taillon
Dianna Gardner
Maurene Atherton
Elizabeth Poole
Mike Simpson
Christine Harrison
Kelsea Lancaster
Allison Pieters
Christina Lawrence
Amanda Brown
Leslie Moggridge
Jackie Sullivan
Mollie Sullivan
We also included a full writeup and gallery in our most recent newsletter, so please look for it in your inbox or mailbox very soon. If you are not on the e-newsletter list but you would like to continue to hear from us, please email: communications[at]youvillecentre[dot]org – copy and paste this statement into your email:
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