Join us for a Fabulous Fall Fashion Show ~ Your Support will help a Young Mom like Sarah

Lately we have been having a lot of fun preparing for our upcoming Shepherd’s Fashion FUNRaiser event this coming Tuesday, October 20th at Shepherd’s Train Yards at 6:00 pm!

It is going to be a fantastic night of fun and fashion, and we hope to see you there! For a little fashion inspiration, here are some photos from last year’s event:

DSC_0982 DSC_0107 DSC_0999 DSC_0193 Cindy-Leanne

We also thought we would tell you more about why we are having this event in the first place! We are raising funds so that more of our young moms here at Youville Centre (ages 14 to 21) can access mental health and addiction counselling, and so their children (ages 1 month to 3 years) can access parent-child attachment counselling and continue to benefit from our infant mental health programs.

Your support of Youville Centre by attending our Fashion FUNRaiser can make an immediate difference in the lives of our young mothers and their children.

By supporting Youville, you are supporting young moms like Sarah:

Thank you for watching this wonderful video that we co-produced with our friends at United Way Ottawa. We thought it was important for you to know where your donation will help the most when you are considering coming to our event.

Here is where you can purchase tickets:

We hope to see you there!

A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful sponsors for making this event possible:

Scotiabank_TM copy  porter-logo Casa Dea logopepsi-logo-2 the loft logo

TELUS Day of Giving Benefits Youville Centre

All photos by Justin Van Leeuwen ~ JVL Photography

On Saturday, May 25th, 2013, 30 plus TELUS Ottawa employees donned their t-shirts and jeans, rolled up their sleeves and participated in the TELUS Day of Giving. With a motto to “Give Where You Live”, this community initiative was yet another socially responsible way that TELUS is giving back to their community. Led by passionate Youville Centre supporter Shannon Gorman, the TELUS employees pitched in and performed the following tasks inside and outside the centre:

  • Painting our Collective Kitchen
  • Painting our Sunflower Crib Room
  • Washing windows
  • Cleaning the Toddler Play Yard
  • Collecting trash from the school grounds
  • Planting herbs and other edibles in our Youville gardens
  • Raking leaves, collecting branches and other yard waste

TELUS Ottawa employees and their families worked together to get these tasks done in record time! We are so grateful to each and every one of them for taking time out of their day to help make Youville Centre a little brighter!

Special thanks to Shannon and Meredith for being great examples and rallying such a great group of volunteers! Please enjoy these photos from the day, taken by local photographer Justin Van Leeuwen.

Extreme Makeover: Kindness Week Edition!

If you’ve come to visit us at Youville Centre recently you may have seen our newly renovated student lounge.

Get ready to gasp! Here are some photos of the completed lounge:

What a beautiful room for our students to relax in, to read, watch a movie, have a snack and just enjoy some “me time”. None of this would have been possible without the generosity of local Interior Designer Sonya Kinkade and her husband Daryl Kinkade (D.E. Kinkade Konstruction), as well as Sonya’s colleagues, otherwise known as the TBBs, a group of independent Interior Designers who collaborate on a lifestyle blog about wine, food, design, shopping and travel; who also work together to give back to their community.

L to R: Daryl Kinkade, Mary Anne Van Gaal, Nicole Duguay, Sonya Kinkade, Donna Hargrove, Lisa Goulet and Maureen Coates.

This extreme makeover was all due to an initiative called Kindness Week (February 15-22), hosted by The Caring & Sharing Exchange and chaired by Rabbi Reuven Bulka. Kindness Week is a program designed to promote acts of kindness throughout the city – from buying a coffee for the person behind you in line, to doing volunteer work, to thanking someone in a significant way. For the third year in a row, Sonya and her team have donated their time and design talent to an organization in need to makeover one room. This year Youville Centre’s young moms were the lucky recipients of Sonya and her team’s kindness.

Sonya, Daryl and the TBBs did an unbelievable job in transforming the small space we had available for the student lounge. Staff and students alike were overwhelmed by the completed room! Many thanks to Sonya, the TBBs, Daryl, and all of the sponsors (listed below) who donated furniture, electronics and other design elements to help make this extreme makeover a success! Scroll down for more photos, courtesy of Sonya Kinkade and taken by Danielle Lynn Photography!

Thank you to all who donated to our extreme makeover:
D.E. Kinkade Konstruction LTD
The TBBs
Danielle Lynn Photography

Brent Kelly Painting
Barwood Flooring
IKEA Canada
La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries

The Upper Room
Kravet Fabrics

Alexanian Carpet & Flooring
Tamarack Developments

Spotlight Hair Studio & Spa
Future Shop
Stylish Fireplaces by Huntington Lodge
Climate Works
Faye Fortune Drapery
European Glass & Paint
C & M Textiles

Infinity Bookkeeping & Accounting
Everyday Grace


Youville Moms Skate the Rideau Canal!

On a snowy day last week, a group of Youville moms and their teachers braved the cold and enjoyed a fun and exciting field trip to the Rideau Canal! Everyone laced up their skates and bundled up in their winter gear; both of which were generously donated and loaned to our students by donors and staff members. It is always so wonderful when we can combine our Fitness Program with a fun-filled field trip and offer our young moms an experience they may not otherwise have the time or resources to experience.

Our Youville moms showed off their graceful moves and positive attitudes during this skating trip, and they enjoyed getting out on the canal for a unique fitness class.

If you’d like to support our skating trips in the future, we are always hoping for donations of skates, winter coats, snowpants, mitts, hats and scarves.Please contact us at (613) 231-5150 Ext. 128 if you’d like to donate.

Happy Skating, everyone!