Shepherd’s Fashion FUNRaiser Raises $20,000 in Support of Mental Health Programs at Youville Centre

IMG_2709 Live Auction

Photo (L) by: Style Domination. All other photos by Lil’ Moments Photography — Kim Grenier

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015, Shepherd’s Fashions hosted a Fashion FUNRaiser in support of Youville Centre at their Train Yards store. A more intimate version of the Ooh ‘n Ahh Fashion Show and Gala, this Fashion FUNRaiser gathered over 120 guests to enjoy an evening of fashion, food and fundraising in support of Youville Centre’s young mothers and their children. This year we continued the tradition of including women who have made an impact on Youville Centre as models in the fashion show, and they modelled Shepherd’s amazing fashions in the finale portion of the show.

Barbara Sarah and guest IMG_2717

Photo (R) by: Style Domination

elaine Megan Sam Leanne

group shot of guest models Clarissa

Raising $20,000, this event combined a fashion show, 50/50 draw, door prizes, and silent and live auctions. Sam Poole, General Manager and Lead Stylist at Shepherd’s, put on a fabulous fashion show, highlighting Shepherd’s models and our special guest models in a wide range of clothing styles for all ages, shapes, sizes, and occasions. Hair and makeup services were generously provided by The Loft/Le Spa. The evening wrapped up with a chance to shop in the Shepherd’s store, with 10% of the sales to be donated to Youville Centre. The Live Auction was expertly hosted by Lawrence Greenspon, and the evening was hosted by a loyal friend to Youville Centre and a wonderful Emcee, the incomparable Leanne Cusack. This year we also welcomed back our “Men In Black”, loyal Youville donors and advocates who dressed in their favourite black suits to help us sell tickets for the 50/50 draw.

model new fitting room area sarah moffatt art

shepherds bags Men In Black

Youville Centre would like to thank each and every guest who attended this amazing event, and to all who contributed to make it a success!

Funds raised from this event will go toward supporting mental health programs here at Youville that help both our young mothers and their children.

Thank you to the generous sponsors and volunteers who generously donated their time, goods and services to this event. Key sponsors included:

Scotiabank_TM copyporter-logo Shep_logosCasa Dea logo    the loft logopepsi-logo-2


For a complete list of sponsors, volunteers and donors, please keep an eye out for our upcoming newsletter!

Photo Gallery: Shepherd’s Fashion FUNRaiser in Support of Youville Centre

On Tuesday, October 21, 2014, Youville Centre joined together once again with Marlene Shepherd and Shepherd’s Fashions  for a fabulous Fashion FUNRaiser. A smaller, more intimate version of the Ooh ‘n Ahh Fashion Show, this event was held inside Shepherd’s Train Yards store.

Raising over $25,000 with significant contributions from Scotiabank and Shepherd’s, this event was a great success, thanks in large part to the many sponsors and donors who contributed. (Please see a list below of the sponsors and donors who helped to make this event possible.)

This year we decided to honour nine women who have made a significant impact on Youville Centre, whether it be through their work, volunteerism, donations or philanthropic initiatives. As a fun way to recognize their contributions to Youville Centre, we asked these nine women to be the models in the fashion show!

Please enjoy this gallery of our very special models from this wonderful event.

All Photos by Lil’ Moments Photography (Kim Grenier)

DSC_0107Shannon Gorman, National Director, Community Affairs, TELUS

DSC_0119Angela Lariviere, Director, Youville Centre Board of Directors

Cindy-LeanneMC Leanne Cusack with Youville Centre’s Executive Director, Cindy Simpson

DSC_0020Clarissa Arthur, Youville Centre Alumna and Child Development Program Coordinator

DSC_0027Olive MIrchandani, Friend and Supporter of Youville Centre

DSC_0041Theresa Smith, Executive Assistant to the Vice President, Scotiabank, Ottawa & West Quebec District

Cindy-leather-nojacketCindy Simpson

DSC_0193(L to R): Leanne Cusack, Clarissa Arthur, Cindy Simpson, Megan Wallace, Jenny Strange

DSC_0982Megan Wallace, President, Youville Centre Board of Directors

DSC_0999Clarissa Arthur

DSC_1011Dorothy Jackson, Friend and Supporter of Youville Centre

DSC_1034Jenny Strange, Clinical Supervisor, Mental Health & Addictions Counsellor, Youville Centre

Our gratitude goes out to the following individuals, businesses and organizations for their contributions to this event!

Key Sponsors
Shepherd’s Fashions
The Danbe Foundation

Special Guests
MC: Leanne Cusack
Auctioneer: Lawrence Greenspon
Model Escort: Dennis Jackson
Shepherd’s Models: Paula, Wendy and Elaine
Group Therapy –A Capella Singing Group

Event Sponsors
Barefoot Wine & Bubbly
The Loft/Le Spa
The Ottawa Citizen

Live Auction Sponsors
Shepherd’s Fashions
The Loft/Le Spa
Dr. Conrad L’Ecuyer
The Lord Elgin Hotel
Beckta Dining and Wine
C’est Bon Cooking

Silent Auction Sponsors
Daphne Sillanpaa
Jenny Strange
Cadillac Fairview (Rideau Centre and St. Laurent Centre)

Youville Centre Special
Shannon Gorman
Theresa Smith
Angela Lariviere
Megan Wallace
Dorothy Jackson
Olive Mirchandani
Cindy Simpson
Clarissa Arthur
Jenny Strange

Jean-Marie Stewart
Micheline Harvey
Kathleen Kenny
Monica Kerwin
Gail Taillon
Dianna Gardner
Maurene Atherton
Elizabeth Poole
Mike Simpson
Christine Harrison
Kelsea Lancaster
Allison Pieters
Christina Lawrence
Amanda Brown
Leslie Moggridge
Jackie Sullivan
Mollie Sullivan

We also included a full writeup and gallery in our most recent newsletter, so please look for it in your inbox or mailbox very soon. If you are not on the e-newsletter list but you would like to continue to hear from us, please email: communications[at]youvillecentre[dot]org – copy and paste this statement into your email:

I, (full name) give my express consent to receive e-communications from Youville Centre, regarding its programs and services, events, and other offerings.

Saturday, November 22 ~ Support Youville Centre at Whole Foods Market Lansdowne!

Whole Foods Market One Percent Day

Hello Friends of Youville Centre,

Whole Foods Market Lansdowne Park is officially opening this Wednesday, November 19th. To celebrate their entry into Ottawa, they are dedicating 1% of their sales for the first five days they are open to local charitable organizations.

Youville Centre was very fortunate to have been chosen as the designated charity for Saturday, November 22nd! Please consider stopping by the new store and saying hello to Youville Centre staff and volunteers, and making a purchase! 1% of all sales from Saturday will go directly to Youville Centre’s programs and services to help our young moms and their children.

The following local, charitable organizations will benefit from Whole Foods Market’s generous, philanthropic initiative:

So, please consider making your way to Lansdowne Park to the new Whole Foods Market store to add your support for Youville Centre — and you can pick up some delicious, healthy food while you’re there!

Thank you!


Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids ~ A Fundraiser for Youville Centre

GRTTWAK Postcard FrontGRTTWAK Postcard Reverse

Gather your friends and family and enjoy a night out in support of Youville Centre’s young mothers and their children! Inspired by the Toronto event of the same name, Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids is an open mic style event where guests share funny, heartwarming and just plain hilarious things they wrote as kids! Whether it was a school project, a poem, a note you wrote to your high school crush, or a heartwarming letter you wrote to a family member, the words you spoke as a child or a teen will definitely sound different being read by you now! Come with your friends and family, enjoy some refreshments, have a good laugh, and get a guided tour of Youville Centre if you wish!

If you’re brave enough to read something, please let us know in advance when you purchase your tickets. For a taste of what to expect, check out this video:

Get your tickets by clicking this link below:


Many thanks to Youville Centre’s Board of Directors and their organizing committee, and to the generous event sponsors, TPH (The Printing House), Spin Dessert Cafe and Bistro and Hogsback Brewing Company.

Join us this Friday for A Toast to the Ladies!

We are so grateful to have supportive donors in the community thinking of our young moms and children here at Youville Centre. This year we were fortunate to meet a young woman named Elaine Larsen who has single-handedly organized a fundraiser for Youville Centre called A Toast to the Ladies. This event will be held this Friday, March 22 from 6-9 pm at the School of Photographic Arts: Ottawa (SPAO) and it boasts an evening of food, music, photography and fun all in support of our young moms and their children. A popular Ottawa band, The Love Machine will be playing, and photographs taken by the students of SPAO will be displayed.

Please join us!

Youville Centre’s 25th Anniversary: A Gallery

We are so grateful to everyone who attended Youville Centre’s 25th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, October 25 at the Hampton Inn Conference Centre, and to all of our event and silent auction sponsors who helped to make this event such a success! We will be sharing a full recap of the evening’s festivities in our upcoming newsletter, so if you are not subscribed to our list, please email us at communications[at]youvillecentre[dot]org to sign up.

The event was a wonderful opportunity to bring together Youville supporters past and present, look back on how far we’ve come in the past 25 years, and raise funds to support the next 25. We were so pleased to present awards to our 3 former Executive Directors, as well as a group of key volunteers, donors and advocates for our young mothers and their children. The event also featured three engaging speakers, a retrospective slideshow and a wonderful silent auction.

We were overwhelmed by a few surprise announcements from our Keynote Speaker, Shannon Gorman of TELUS and her friends and colleagues, one of which was a substantial donation to a proposed Mentorship Program. We look forward to sharing more information about this program and many other future endeavours at Youville Centre.

Please enjoy a small gallery of photos from the event below. We look forward to sharing more news from the event in our Fall/Winter Newsletter which should reach your mailbox or your inbox in the coming weeks.

*All photos by Moments of Greatness ~ Photography by Gregory Kolz

(L to R): Former Executive Director Judith Sarginson, Founder & Former Executive Director Sister Betty Ann Kinsella, Former Executive Director Sister Maco Cassetta

Youville Centre Volunteer Angel Award Recipients with Cindy Simpson, Executive Director (far left) and Tara Newman, Youville Centre Board Chair & President (fourth from right)

Longtime supporter of Youville Centre Gerry Clarke peruses Youville Centre’s most recent program report.

Heather Flinn added wonderful ambience to the evening by playing the harp beautifully to welcome our guests.

Jennifer-Anne Gibson was our Alumnae Speaker for the evening.

Sister Betty Ann Kinsella with Kim (right) and Abbey (left). Kim is a Youville Centre graduate and Abbey is her daughter.

Nathalie and Nick Lynda, Youville Centre Alumnae. Nick was our Second Generation speaker for the evening.

Generous donors made it possible for some of our alumnae to attend the event, and they enjoyed themselves thoroughly!

Creative centrepieces for the event were artfully designed and assembled by our Child Development Staff.

Caroline Pidgeon, Youville Centre Volunteer for 18 years, was honoured with the United Way Community Builder Award. We were very pleased to have Michael O’Byrne present this award to Caroline on behalf of United Way Ottawa.

Sister Betty Ann Kinsella with longtime Board Member Mike Lundy, Youville Centre Angel Award recipient Steve Georgopoulos and friends.

The incomparable Leanne Cusack was our fabulous Emcee for the evening.

What an unbelievable surprise to receive this generous donation from our Keynote Speaker, Shannon Gorman of TELUS and members of the TELUS Community Board. Pictured above are (L to R): Dennis Jackson, Cindy Simpson (Executive Director, Youville Centre), Barbara Crook, Jim Orban and Shannon Gorman.