Join us for a Fabulous Fall Fashion Show ~ Your Support will help a Young Mom like Sarah

Lately we have been having a lot of fun preparing for our upcoming Shepherd’s Fashion FUNRaiser event this coming Tuesday, October 20th at Shepherd’s Train Yards at 6:00 pm!

It is going to be a fantastic night of fun and fashion, and we hope to see you there! For a little fashion inspiration, here are some photos from last year’s event:

DSC_0982 DSC_0107 DSC_0999 DSC_0193 Cindy-Leanne

We also thought we would tell you more about why we are having this event in the first place! We are raising funds so that more of our young moms here at Youville Centre (ages 14 to 21) can access mental health and addiction counselling, and so their children (ages 1 month to 3 years) can access parent-child attachment counselling and continue to benefit from our infant mental health programs.

Your support of Youville Centre by attending our Fashion FUNRaiser can make an immediate difference in the lives of our young mothers and their children.

By supporting Youville, you are supporting young moms like Sarah:

Thank you for watching this wonderful video that we co-produced with our friends at United Way Ottawa. We thought it was important for you to know where your donation will help the most when you are considering coming to our event.

Here is where you can purchase tickets:

We hope to see you there!

A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful sponsors for making this event possible:

Scotiabank_TM copy  porter-logo Casa Dea logopepsi-logo-2 the loft logo

Open Mic Event Brings New Friends and Funds to Youville Centre

Lindsey's diaryAll photos by SD Photography ~ Samantha Danis

purple sweater

On Friday, April 4th, Youville Centre hosted Grown Ups Read Things They Wrote As Kids (GRTTWAK). An open-mic style event inspired by the original GRTTWAK which originally launched in Toronto, the evening offered a chance for guests to read things they wrote when they were a child or a teenager. What resulted from this unique event was an evening full of laughter, nostalgia, tasty refreshments and a chance to learn more about Youville Centre.
In addition, this first-time event raised $800 to directly support our young moms and children, and brought us some new friends and supporters.

Refreshmentsstage setupRefreshments were generously provided by Spin Dessert Cafe and Bistro and Hogsback Brewing Company. Our gym was transformed to look more like the NAC Fourth Stage or a high school coffeehouse event thanks to a donation from Ottawa Special Events.

apple drawingTables were wrapped with brown paper, and guests were encouraged to use crayons and markers to decorate their table. It was a chance to be a kid again, and to share those hilarious moments from childhood and teenage life.

crayon centrepieceDiaries were read, as were school assignments, stories and poems. One of our guests even sang a song she wrote when she was young. We would like to thank each and every brave soul who stepped up to the mic to share their childhood musings.


guyAs the beautiful photos shot by Samantha Danis show, the room was filled with laughter as we enjoyed walking down memory lane together.


ladies laughing



Sarah and Megan 2The evening came to a close with a round of tours for interested guests who wanted to know more about the programs and services at Youville Centre. Guests enjoyed hearing stories about our courageous young moms, and learning about the myriad of services that are provided to them at the centre. The childcare rooms were a highlight, and although our babies were not there, our staff did a wonderful job of setting up the rooms to show guests the wonderful games, toys and learning tools available to our infants and toddlers.

baskettable for 2

We would like to thank Youville Centre’s Board of Directors, particularly event organizers Megan Wallace and Sarah Feldberg; Stephanie from Knock on Wood Communications & Events Inc.; all of the volunteers who helped to plan and execute this event; and to our sponsors: The Printing House, Ottawa Special Events, Spin Dessert Cafe and Bistro, Hogsback Brewing Company and SD Photography (Samantha Danis).

If you are interested in hosting your own third party event in support of Youville Centre, please contact us at or (613) 231-5150 Ext. 128.

All photos by SD Photography ~ Samantha Danis

Shepherd’s Helps Youville Grads Prepare for Fashion Show

On Monday, October 7th, six lucky Youville Centre graduates got the chance to try on some glamourous gowns at Shepherd’s Fashions! In preparation for our long running fashion show fundraiser with Marlene Shepherd (which was on October 22), our alumnae tried on cocktail dresses and formal evening wear, all in an effort to choose the perfect outfit in which to walk the runway at the event.


Marlene gets a dress ready for one of our alumnae.

Adding a special fashion show finale where Youville Centre grads would proudly model in the show was an idea we had been working on for a while, and once we had chosen our alumnae models, Marlene Shepherd generously offered to dress them for the fashion show.

Clarissa and CindyYouville Centre graduate and current Child Development Program Coordinator, Clarissa, selects a dress with the help of Youville Centre’s Executive Director, Cindy Simpson.

After our grads chose a dress, it was time to accessorize, and Marlene and her team graciously helped our Youville alumnae pick the perfect earrings, bracelets and necklaces to go with their dresses.

AmandaYouville alumna Amanda found a dress that she loved right away!

 It was a chance to get dressed up and have fun with fashion, and an opportunity to reconnect with former classmates and get to know other Youville Centre grads from over the years. Many thanks to Marlene and her team for being so generous!


Stay tuned to the blog for more news and photos from our recent fashion show!