Hydro Ottawa Volunteers Continue to Keep Youville Merry & Bright

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Every year leading up to Christmas, we are fortunate to have a group of volunteers from Hydro Ottawa visit Youville Centre to help us make the centre merry and bright!

Called “Holiday Helping Hands”, this volunteer initiative allows us to continue our great partnership with Hydro Ottawa.

Through their joint funding opportunity with United Way Ottawa, The Brighter Tomorrows Fund, Hydro Ottawa has answered our call for three years in response to energy-efficient projects around the centre. This has included washers and dryers, fridges, LED lighting, hot water tanks, and solar window film. All of these improvements have allowed us to provide our young moms and children with a safer, more cost-effective, more energy-efficient building.

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During our “Holiday Helping Hands” day, volunteers arrive at the centre and receive a guided tour. We then ask them to form two groups: the bakers, and the decorators!

The bakers set to work making holiday-themed shortbread cookies that we could then freeze and store for our upcoming Christmas Luncheon.

The decorators set up two Christmas trees, and put up holiday decorations throughout the building.

By the end of the day the centre looked very festive, and the wonderful aroma of cookies filled the halls.

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We truly enjoy each year when our Hydro Ottawa volunteers visit to help make our centre merry and bright for our young moms and their children. More than the baking and the decorating, it is the warmth and compassion that these volunteers show year after year toward Youville Centre’s mission, and the young families we serve. This year they even helped us with our newsletter!

Many thanks to this wonderful group!

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Christmastime at Youville Centre

Christmastime is always such a wonderful time of year at Youville Centre, and for that we have all of you — our donors and supporters —  to thank!

With many special events for our young mothers and their children, generous donations from our wonderful community, and visits from helpful volunteers and guests to make the season bright, the month of December goes by fast and gets us all in the Christmas spirit!  It goes without saying that without YOU, we would not be able to provide such a magical Christmas for our young moms and babies each year.

Please take a photo journey with us as we share with you how our centre celebrates the holiday season! This photo journey only highlights some of the generous donors who generously gave at this time of year — we are grateful to all who donated in the form of time, financial contributions, diapers, toys, clothing, bath products, baby products, special treats, gift cards, non-perishable food items and so much more!

Christmas Portraits by Dwayne Brown:

For four years now, local photographer Dwayne Brown has been giving of his time and talent to take Christmas portraits of our young moms and their babies, and provide prints for them to keep, and to share with family and friends. You can read more about Dwayne’s visit to Youville Centre, here on his blog: http://blog.dwaynebrown.com/2014/12/such-love-and-inspiration.html

DBS_Youville-4840 DBS_Youville-4752This special gift captures a moment in time for our young moms, and it allows them to give their children photo memories for years to come.

Hydro Ottawa Decks the Halls:

On  December 5th, volunteers from Hydro Ottawa decorated the centre and baked Christmas cookies for our Christmas luncheon. This enthusiastic group was back for a second year, and we are grateful to them for making our centre look festive and baking such delicious cookies!

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Algonquin College Police Foundations and Business Marketing Students and Staff Give Back to Youville Centre Moms:

Each year we are fortunate to receive donations from Algonquin College‘s Police Foundations Program, who provide Christmas hampers full of food, toys, diapers, clothing and gifts for our community clients (alumnae whose children are in our childcare). This year the Business Marketing Students joined in, and we were amazed at the time and care these philanthropic young students took in assembling their Christmas hampers. Thank you, Tess and Jen (Program Professors) for your role in this initiative as well!


Christmas Cheer Foundation Supports Youville Centre Moms and Children:

Once again this year, we were fortunate to be chosen as a beneficiary of the Christmas Cheer Foundation Breakfast. This event raises funds that go toward providing food vouchers for those in need, including Youville Centre’s young mothers and children. We enjoyed attending the breakfast and we are grateful for this donation!

christmas cheer

Mom & Me Christmas Music Circle:

Each year we have a special Christmas music circle for moms, staff and babies to enjoy. Christmas carols are sung and moms and babies have a chance to connect with each other while spending time with staff.


A Christmas Gift for Mom from Baby:

Our Early Childhood Educators always take time to make a special Christmas gift for our young moms from their babies! This year they made beautiful tiles decorated with photos and handprints and footprints. A personal, creative gift, the tiles can be used as decorations or as a coaster for moms’ hot chocolate over the holidays.


The Pyjama Elf Visits Youville:

“The Pyjama Elf” (a.k.a. passionate, local donor Zybina Richards and her friends, supported by the Kiwanis Club of Orleans) visited Youville for a second consecutive year and to provide brand new pyjamas for each mom and child in our centre. Our students were so excited to receive the warm, stylish pyjamas for themselves and their children. It is a gift they might not think to give themselves, and they were grateful for this donation.

pyjamaelf pyjamas

The Ottawa Food Bank Provides “Holiday Extras”:

ottawa-food-bankThe Ottawa Food Bank provided holiday extras for our clients in the form of turkeys, hams and grocery vouchers so that our young moms could prepare a special dinner for their children.

The Christmas You-Store Opens for “Shopping”:

Our students “shopped” in the Christmas You-Store with play “dollars” earned through our incentive program. This empowered our young moms to choose and wrap a gift or two to give to their child on Christmas morning.


Moms and Children Enjoy Annual Christmas Luncheon:

Last but not least, we hosted our annual Christmas Luncheon for our moms and their children. This year, our Christmas Luncheon was made even more magical by a very generous donation from McCarthy Tetrault LLP. Due to their generosity, we were able to rent a photo booth, and purchase decorations, food and beverage supplies for our special event. Everyone enjoyed a tasty turkey dinner, and our special “Elves” from TELUS handed out gift cards to each of the moms! Reverend Rhondda MacKay from All Saints Anglican Church led us in a non-denominational grace before we enjoyed our meal. Also helping in the kitchen and serving tables were: guests from M.F. McHugh Education Centre (our education partner), board members, donors, community partners including a wonderful team from The Ottawa Police Service, volunteers, mentors, and staff. Christmas songs were sung, our toddlers put on a “Jingle Bell Parade”, a special Christmas video was shown, and of course, Santa visited! We were so happy to have one of our longtime volunteers, Jerry, volunteer to be our “Santa”, and we couldn’t imagine one better! Even our fearless leader, Cindy Simpson (Executive Director) dressed up as Mrs. Claus! A heartwarming event made even more magical by a special donor, the Christmas Luncheon was enjoyed by all.

ChristmasLunch1 ChristmasLunch2 ChristmasLunch3 ChristmasLunch4 ChristmasLunch5 ChristmasLunch6 JonathanCindyMary ChristmasLunchServer ChristmasLunchSanta1 ChristmasLunchPhotoBoothThank you to EVERYONE who helped us at Youville Centre provide a magical Christmas for our young moms and their children. We wish all of you a healthy, safe and happy holiday season!

Making Christmas Magical

You can help make Christmas magical for Youville Centre’s young moms and their children!

If you are interested in making a donation, please read the information on the image below and get in touch with us.

We thank you for your support and we wish you and your family a beautiful holiday season!

Holiday Help at Youville Centre

Celebrating Volunteerism with the Governor General of Canada

All Photos by: Cpl Carbe Orellana, Rideau Hall. ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada represented by the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (2013)

In celebration of International Volunteer Day, Youville Centre had two very special volunteers visit us on December 5, 2013. Their Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston stopped by Youville Centre to help us prepare for the holiday season! December 5th also happened to be Community Action Day, a joint venture between United Way Ottawa and Volunteer Ottawa that creates volunteer opportunities at non-profit organizations for workplace teams. This year, we were fortunate to have a lively group from Hydro Ottawa choose Youville Centre to give back and help us prepare for the holidays.

Governor General and baby-2His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canadahas a heart to heart with 1 year old Hayleigh.

As the Hydro Ottawa volunteers got to work baking cookies for our Christmas luncheon and decorating the centre for the holidays, we welcomed Their Excellencies by giving them a tour of the centre. In true volunteer spirit, they jumped in and helped out with the tasks of the day, enjoying the company of our students, infants and toddlers along the way.

Lunch Room Scene-2His Excellency says hello to some of Youville Centre’s toddlers, staff and volunteers as they enjoy a healthy snack in the children’s dining room.

Governor General - Lending Library - YouvilleL to R: Youville Centre Board President Megan Wallace, Executive Director Cindy Simpson, Youville student Madison and her son Chase, Her Excellency Sharon Johnston, the Governor General of Canada, and Youville student Skylah and her son Mason.

During a tour of the centre, Youville Centre’s Board President, Megan Wallace, and Executive Director, Cindy Simpson proudly showed off Youville’s new Lending Library, which was donated by Walton Developments to support our Me, My Baby, Our World Parenting Program. This investment was made possible through United Way Ottawa. Impressed by the library and its educational toys and books, our special guests decided to donate some of their favourite books! When the books arrived at the centre shortly after this visit, they were beautifully bound in official ribbon from Rideau Hall.

GG and Sharon bakingDuring their time in the centre, our special volunteers helped the Hydro Ottawa volunteers in their tasks of baking Christmas cookies and trimming the tree. Their Excellencies embraced the tasks with enthusiasm — The Governor General even agreed to wear our special Christmas teddy bear apron!

Trimming the treeYouville Centre’s tree was made brighter by the Governor General of Canada.

Classroom Group ShotYouville Centre’s young mothers, staff and volunteers all thoroughly enjoyed meeting Their Excellencies.

Group Shot with Hydro Ottawa VolunteersHydro Ottawa volunteers enjoyed sharing their volunteer tasks with our special guests.

It was a wonderful treat to receive a visit from Their Excellencies. It was inspiring to see them roll up their sleeves and volunteer; celebrating what they called one of their “Giving Moments“. Many thanks to Their Excellencies; Hydro Ottawa volunteers; United Way Ottawa and Volunteer Ottawa for helping to make December 5th a very memorable day for Youville Centre.

Christmastime at Youville Centre

Christmastime is a wonderful time of year at Youville Centre, with many special events for our young mothers and their children, generous donations from our wonderful community, and visits from helpful volunteers and guests to make the season bright. It goes without saying that without YOU, we would not be able to provide such a magical Christmas for our young moms and babies each year.

Please take a photo journey with us as we share with you how our centre celebrates the holiday season! This photo journey only highlights some of the generous donors who generously gave at this time of year — we are grateful to all who donated in the form of time, financial contributions, diapers, toys, clothing, bath products, baby products, special treats, gift cards, non-perishable food items and so much more!

Baking Cookies

Tree in lobbyOn Community Action Day, volunteers from Hydro Ottawa decorated the centre and baked Christmas cookies for our Christmas luncheon.*Stay tuned to our blog and upcoming newsletter for a story about a couple of very special guests who visited the centre and helped prepare us for the holidays!

Christmas CircleMoms, staff and babies sang Christmas songs at our Mom & Me Christmas Circle Event.

Pyjama Elf“The Pyjama Elf” (a.k.a. a new, passionate donor and her team) visited and provided brand new pyjamas for each mom and child in our centre.

christmas cheerWe were chosen as a beneficiary of the Christmas Cheer Foundation which enabled us to provide food vouchers for our clients so that they could provide for their young families over the Christmas break.

ottawa-food-bankThe Ottawa Food Bank provided holiday extras for our clients in the form of turkeys, hams and grocery vouchers so that our young moms could prepare a special dinner for their children.

Youstore toysOur students “shopped” in the Christmas You-Store with play “dollars” earned through our incentive program. This empowered our young moms to choose and wrap a gift or two to give to their child on Christmas morning.

BearsWe received our annual donation of Christmas teddy bears for the children from a group of loyal donors.

VolunteersOur faithful volunteers picked up, sorted, washed and organized all of the in-kind donations of clothing, toys and other items for our clients — and they did it all with a smile and a healthy portion of Christmas spirit!

Santa and child Christmas karaoke  Mom baby santa suit mom daughter eatingTELUS 1Last but not least, we hosted a Christmas Luncheon for our moms, their children and their partners or family members. Everyone enjoyed a tasty turkey dinner, and our special “Elves” from TELUS handed out gift cards to each of the moms! Also helping in the kitchen and serving tables were: board members, community partners, volunteers and staff. Christmas songs were sung and a great time was had by all.

Thank you to EVERYONE who helped us at Youville Centre provide a magical Christmas for our young moms and their children. We wish all of you a healthy, safe and happy holiday season!

Local Hair Salon Gives Back to Teen Moms

This time of year we are so humbled by our generous donor community and the contributions they make, not only to provide a magical Christmas for our young moms and children, but also to provide essential items and special treats to help our clients save money. One such treat was recently presented to our young moms from Fady and his team at Hair Junkie by Fads Salon. A self-made entrepreneur, Fady wanted to share in his success by offering our students a chance to own hair styling tools that they might not otherwise afford or be able to access easily. Hair Junkie by Fads Salon held a promotion through the fall and winter months for their clients to donate gently used, high-end styling products to receive a discount on products for sale at the salon. Fady’s clients answered the call generously and his donation was the result.

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L to R: Fady, Kim (Youville Centre student) and Chrystal.

With his colleague Chrystal in tow, Fady donated over 50 hairstyling tools for our students. Youville’s young moms got to choose from a wide array of curling irons, straightening irons, blowdryers, crimpers and diffusers. To say that our students were excited for this special treat would be putting it mildly.

Hair Junkie Donation Dec. 2013 001

On behalf of the young moms of Youville Centre, we would like to say a big thank you to Fady and his team, and we would also like to thank each and every client of Hair Junkie by Fads Salon who donated to this endeavour.

Making Christmas Magical

You can help make Christmas magical for Youville Centre’s young moms and their children! If you are interested in making a donation, please read the information on the image below and get in touch with us.

We thank you for your support and we wish you and your family a beautiful holiday season!

Holiday Help at Youville Centre-2013

You-Store Makes Christmas Brighter for Young Moms

Thanks to the many generous corporate, individual and community donors who support Youville Centre, Christmas is much brighter each year for our young mothers and their children. At Youville, we do as much as we can to ensure that each young mom’s essential needs are met first, and second, that each of them and their children have some special gifts at this festive time of year.

For many of our students, this will be the first year that they experience a Christmas holiday with traditions, decorations and gifts for themselves and their children. In the weeks preparing for Christmas, we are busy elves, receiving gifts, food, diapers, gift cards, bus tickets and other essentials and treats for our young mothers, and we hide them away in Santa’s Workshop.

On two special days, we open the Christmas “You-Store”. For those of you who have toured our facility, you may be familiar with the You-Store — it is an incentive-based store stocked with brand new items and treats for mom and baby, all donated to us from generous community members and donors. “You-Bucks” are earned to spend in the You-Store when our students display good attendance, positive attitude, volunteer spirit and good effort in parenting.

The You-Store is open all year round, however, the Christmas You-Store is extra special with brand new toys donated from the community for the children of Youville Centre. Each young mother enjoys shopping through the store and selecting three special toys for their child.

When shopping is done, the students head to the wrapping stations and carefully wrap each package for their child. It is wonderful to overhear the excitement that occurs during these two special shopping days at Youville Centre.

On behalf of Youville Centre’s young mothers and their children, our sincere thanks goes out to everyone who donated to us this year leading up to Christmas. It is because of your generosity of spirit that Christmas will be brighter for our young moms and their children.

Merry Christmas!

Empower a Young Mother this Holiday Season

The Holidays are a joyful time, however they can also be difficult for some. At this time of year we are always quite fortunate to receive generous support for our young mothers and their children, and we are very appreciative. Based on the most urgent needs of our clients, this year we decided to create a Holiday Giving Guide, highlighting the items needed most by our young mothers and their babies.

It is also important to us to empower our clients to purchase their own gifts for their children to put under the tree, so we have added gift cards to our wish list. Please take a look at our giving guide below for some ideas of how best to assist the young mothers and children of Youville Centre at this time of year.

Your donation not only empowers our clients, it also creates a more joyful holiday season for their children and their families. Please accept our humble gratitude and contact us directly if you would like to donate this holiday season.