Youville Centre’s building will remain closed, as per the Ontario Government’s Declaration of Emergency and associated measures. Read the press release here:

All Youville staff continue to work remotely; Leadership, Communications, Fundraising and Human Resources Team supporting administration, communication and fundraising; Child Development Program supporting clients with learning resources for themselves and their children, Intensive Treatment Support Program Case Coordinators and Therapists providing case management, individual and parent/child therapy and crisis support over the phone through regular check ins with our young moms. The Treatment Team is also working with our partnering M.F. McHugh and St. Nicolas Adult High School teachers to support our client’s academics. Please see the graphic below outlining our temporary service methods.

Youville Centre Covid-19 Update graphic outlining what work is being done to support young mothers

Even in times of crisis, we must come together to support the greater good, (though that may be coming together virtually for the time being).

Thank you to our amazing community, you help us to continue to provide mental health services and crisis support for our young mothers and their children with your unwavering support.

We express immense gratitude to our healthcare workers and other essential service staff for putting their own well-being on the line during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We won’t let the COVID-19 virus stop us from fighting for our mission! Even during difficult times, Youville Centre is working hard to make sure our young mothers are getting the help they need. Support our fight by giving what you can today. Every gift makes a difference, especially today. A link to our Canada Helps page: 

At this time, as in-person fundraising events are being cancelled or postponed, or altered to an online format, in order for necessary social distancing and self isolation, we will rely on our donors more than ever. Please consider participating in our virtual events, such as the Ultimate Date Night Raffle (draw extended – new date is April 15th) or Youville’s Shepherd’s Fashions Virtual Fashion Show Funraiser going ahead on May 7th in a new online format with 10% of sales going to the Centre. Stay tuned for more details on our social media or email if you wish to support or participate.

Please email or reach out to specific staff if you have any inquiries. Be well!