With such a cold and unpredictable winter this year, our young moms and their children needed warm snowsuits, boots, hats and mitts more than ever. We are quite glad to see the snow melting, as we are always happy to see Spring on the horizon!

We are grateful to all of our donors who provide the outerwear that is needed for rapidly growing babies and toddlers! One such donor, who was recently interviewed for CBC Radio and Television, is our good friend Gavin. In a short time, Gavin has used his deft skills in finding the best shopping bargains, and has donated multitudes of different items to the centre, including food, clothing, baby bottles, hygiene products, toys, and more!

Gavin’s generosity just keeps on giving, and recently he stopped by with brand new snowsuits and boots which were part of a shopping trip in which he saved 76% on his purchase (which is actually a low savings for him) and he was able to purchase snowsuits for Youville’s children, as well as the Snowsuit Fund and the refugees from Syria.

Gavin was able to purchase $7044.45 worth of children’s snowsuits and boots for $1642.26 to be shared between the organizations!!

As you can see from the photos above, our young moms were very pleased to be able to pick out some brand new winter wear for their little ones.

You can read Gavin’s blog, “Frugalitiness: The Art of Being Frugal” and see all of the amazing work he is doing to help local charities such as Youville Centre. We also look forward to welcoming Gavin again when he speaks to our students in our new Transition Course, a course in which our young moms are learning more skills and gathering valuable information from staff and guest speakers alike, to even better prepare them for “life after Youville”.

It’s always a good day when Gavin stops by, and we so appreciate his generosity, attention to detail, and understanding of the needs of our clients.

Thank you, Gavin!