Your help is needed now, more than ever.
Dear Donor, I’m a mom. And like any mom, I try my hardest every day to provide a good life for my baby girl. But

March 31, 2020 Youville Centre COVID-19 Update
Youville Centre’s building will remain closed, as per the Ontario Government’s Declaration of Emergency and associated measures. Read the press release here: https://news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2020/03/ontario-extends-emergency-declaration-to-stop-the-spread-of-covid-19.html?fbclid=IwAR2_n-RaYYUnZJhs5VAE7s_PEov5OA0GVSqgoH5-YUkUKBfhKFGzqAxVOc4 All Youville

Youville Centre Ultimate Date Night Raffle
Youville Centre is excited to launch its first ever Ultimate Date Night Raffle fundraiser! Tickets are $25 each and only 425 tickets will be sold.

Alumnae as Mentors
The Youville Centre Mentorship Program has two components; one-to-one mentoring and a monthly Lunch and Learn Speaker’s Series, sponsored by Famous5 and TD Bank. The

Globe and Mail National Philanthropy Day feature
Youville Centre is pleased to participate in this year’s Globe and Mail National Philanthropy feature published today, Friday, November 15th. The Globe and Mail reaches 1,

Kids Come First Ontario Health Team! The Ontario Ministry of Health is introducing Ontario Heath Teams (OHTs) to organize and deliver care that is more connected

Family Wellness Community BBQ on September 14, 2019
The Youville Centre is proud to publicly announce a joint 3 year partnership project for implementing Infant Mental Health programming, along with the Centre Psychosocial,
Summer School 2019
Summer School Youville Centre – Ottawa July 3-24, 2019. M.F. McHugh Education Centre is offering 2 courses with us, see the information below. 2019 Youville
May 7, 2019 Shepherd’s Fashion FUNraiser
Enjoy our annual ladies night out, complete with an exclusive fashion show, wine, appetizers and and an opportunity to shop for hours! This fundraising event is

Planned Giving
Legacy Giving Have you ever thought about what you will leave behind? Is leaving your legacy or a living legacy something you may be interested

St. Nicholas Adult High School
About Academic Programming Principal’s Message St. Nicholas Adult High School is pleased to continue to build an active and strong partnership with Youville Centre. Our