Inspire. Educate. Nurture.
Youville Centre is committed to providing a wide range of services to young mothers and their children while assisting them in completing their high school education. Those eligible for the program are young women who are…
Clients are referred to Youville Centre from a variety of sources including: local high schools, nurses, clergy, community agencies, physicians, friends, relatives, or self referrals.
Provided that the client meets the criteria to receive services, the Intake Coordinator arranges a meeting to begin the orientation process. The client’s child begins integrating into our Child Development Program, where one of the Registered Early Childhood Educators discusses the program, the child’s individual needs, pertinent medical information, and parenting goals. The client meets with a Case Coordinator from the Intensive Treatment Support Program to discuss the programs and services including a review of client Rights and Responsibilities. The client is also informed of the benefits and risks of participating in treatment and education at the Centre. Clients then meet with one of our Registered Psychotherapists to discuss our mental health and addiction counselling services. Following the treatment meeting, the client meets with a teacher from one of our education partners, M.F. McHugh Education Centre or St. Nicholas Adult High School, to discuss their previous credit attainment, academic goals, learning styles, and their Individual Pathway Plan.
Although each Youville Centre mom is unique, they all share a common incentive that inspires them to achieve their personal and academic goals. This number one motivation is their child. Youville Centre and teaching staff strive to deliver holistic programming that will provide each young mother with the skills to succeed while always keeping their child’s best interest in mind.