We utilize a trauma-informed, research based, and evidence informed approach
At Youville Centre, we utilize a trauma-informed, research based, and evidence informed approach in our day-to-day work with clients. We use the Trauma Informed Practice Guide (May 2013) to support the translation of trauma-informed principles into practice. The Guide was developed on behalf of the BC Provincial Mental Health and Substance Use Planning Council in consultation with researchers, practitioners and health system planners across Canada.
Reactions to trauma vary from client to client, from minor disruptions to debilitating responses. Across the continuum, clients may experience anxiety, terrors, shock, shame, emotional numbness, disconnection, intrusive thoughts, helplessness, and powerlessness. The four principles of trauma-informed practice we use as our framework are:
- Trauma awareness
- Emphasis on safety and trustworthiness
- Opportunity for choice, collaboration, and connection
- Strengths based and skill building
Our trauma specific services are focused on treating trauma through therapeutic interventions to facilitate trauma recovery. This work is done by our Registered Psychotherapists in individual and group formats.
Our work is “based on the understanding that symptoms related to trauma are coping strategies developed to manage traumatic experiences.” (Covington, S. 2002, in Trauma Matters, March 2013, The Jean Tweed Centre, Toronto, Ontario).