Legacy Giving
Have you ever thought about what you will leave behind? Is leaving your legacy or a living legacy something you may be interested in? How would you like to support future generations, in a cause you care about?
For 34 years Youville Centre has been supporting young mothers and their children through education. Here at Youville we work to improve the lives of two generations and believe that this work resonates to affect other family members and the community as a whole.
We couldn’t do this work without the support of donors like you and to ensure that this important work continues we need to encourage donors to think about the future, that long after you’re gone, Youville will still be here, supporting young mothers toward success. Wouldn’t you like to know that you’re a part of those successes?
You also have the option of a living legacy, giving now so that you can watch your contribution at work. Scroll Down and discover ways you can give. If you require further information please do not hesitate to call Youville Centre at 613-231-5150 ext 112 or your Financial advisor.
A bequest is convenient, easy to establish, and provides significant tax benefits to your estate. Arranged through a will or living will, a bequest can be a gift of cash, real estate, or another valuable such as stocks or bonds. A specific dollar amount, or percentage can be identified with a bequest. Youville Centre can be assigned as a residual beneficiary, leaving the balance of the estate to the Centre after payments to all other beneficiaries have been made.
Upon signing over cash, securities, or other assets to the Centre, the donor can be provided with a firm, and regular income for the rest of their natural life. This is known as a Gift Annuity, and is the most suitable for donors over the age of 70 who plan to leave a gift to the Youville Centre, but still require an income.
Youville Forever Gift (Endowments)
Endowment funds provide for future generations at Youville Centre. Interest on the endowment is used to support the Centre, while the capital remains intact. Friends and family may add to the endolegacccywment at any time, perhaps as a gift in lieu of other memorial recognition items. A charitable tax receipt is issued for this type of gift.
Charitable Remainder Trust
The Charitable Remainder Trust is created when the residual interest from a trust is donated to Youville Centre. A trust is established to provide income over the course of an entire lifetime, and the capital is then donated to the Foundation upon passing. It can also provide a tax credit upon the trust’s creation. This method of giving is ideal for senior citizens who are in high tax brackets.
Monthly Credit Card Giving Plan
Electronic banking has made giving easier and more convenient than ever before. With this option, a pre-authorized gift can be donated to Youville Centre through pre-authorized credit payment (by your credit card provider). This plan is ideal for individuals who wish to make a regular, smaller contribution and be a part of the important work of Youville Centre. Unfortunately at this time Youville Centre cannot accept direct donations from your bank account; for this process we use an intermediary, CanadaHelps.org.